The Incredible Doctor YOU | Tulsa Chiropractor

You would think a chiropractor was responsible for these words, however, they were actually penned by an instructor and practitioner at Harvard medical school in the late 1800′s.  This belief is dismissed today by the medical and pharmaceutical community, but it remains the core foundation of the practice of chiropractic. People want health that doesn’t involve going…

Truly Healthy Children | Tulsa Chiropractor

This is a very interesting comparison between two distinctly different approaches to health, the natural approach and the medical/allopathic approach. It comes from a study entitled A Comparative study of the Health Status of Children Raised Under the Health Care Models of Chiropractic and Allopathic Medicine. Truly Healthy Children: Chiropractic VS. Allopathic(Medical) Care for Kids…

How Frequently Do I Need to be Adjusted? | Tulsa Chiropractor

There is not one simple, one-size-fits-all answer to a question about how frequently a person should have a chiropractic adjustment. Each person’s individual needs and overall health must be taken into account. That said, a reasonable short answer to this question is “whenever you have developed a subluxation (or spinal misalignment).” However, knowing when this…

Having the Right Backpack and Using It Correctly | Tulsa Chiropractor

Healthcare researchers and providers alike are growing increasingly concerned that American kids are suffering from back pain earlier in their lives and in larger numbers than ever before. And experts closest to the problem believe that overweight, improperly designed, and misused backpacks may be a big part of the reason why. Short-Term Injuries and Longer-Term…

Chiropractic Benefits for Our Military | Tulsa Chiropractor

Since it’s beginnings, chiropractic has been used to help keep American military personnel in fighting form. The Department of Defense was authorized to commission chiropractors in 1992 by President George H. W. Bush and in 1999 the Chiropractic Health Care Demonstration Program found that chiropractic care would offer significant benefits to the military. Specifically, the…