Dr. Jason Schluter is a Chiropractor in Tulsa, OK at Schluter Chiropractic. Schluter Chiropractic is conveniently located at 81st and Mingo in Tulsa, Oklahoma and provides quality chiropractic care to Tulsa and the surrounding areas. To schedule an appointment, call (918) 664-3571 or visit www.DrSchluter.com.

The Importance of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is unique in humans because it acts as a prohormone, which is a precursor to a hormone, and it is synthesized during exposure to the sun on our skin. This makes vitamin D one of the few vitamins our body needs that can be produced by our body…

The Case For Drinking More Water!

Everybody knows it is important to drink enough water, but does that mean we actually do? There are a lot of people that mistakenly believe that drinking things such as coffee, soda, juice and tea can be a substitute for drinking plain water. However, it doesn’t even come close to measuring up with pure water…

Why One Adjustment Isn’t Enough | Tulsa Chiropractor

Your spine constantly responds to and adapts to both constructive and destructive input. Abnormal mechanics and injury (destructive input) cause a “negative” adaptation resulting in degeneration. Corrective adjustments, and any other constructive input, cause a “positive” adaptation to a more normal level of function. New research indicates that the spinal cord (like the brain) can…