Dr. Jason Schluter is a Chiropractor in Tulsa, OK at Schluter Chiropractic. Schluter Chiropractic is conveniently located at 81st and Mingo in Tulsa, Oklahoma and provides quality chiropractic care to Tulsa and the surrounding areas. To schedule an appointment, call (918) 664-3571 or visit www.DrSchluter.com.

Avoiding a Laborious Labor: Chiropractic Care for Pelvic Floor Control | Tulsa Chiropractor

For as long as women have been having babies, they have searched for ways to reduce pain and encourage natural vaginal delivery. Many methods have been used to achieve a safe and enjoyable birthing process, some successful and some not. Medications, breathing exercises and meditation are just a few examples, but one that is beginning…

Playing In the Dirt and Chiropractic Adjustments | Tulsa Chiropractor

Growing research is starting to show that kids exposed to a variety of germs early on in life are less likely to develop allergies, asthma or autoimmune disorders as they grow older. A study published in the Journal Science demonstrates that exposure to microorganisms at an early age is associated with protection from immune-mediated diseases…